

American IEEE C 37.010 standard, 469
ac decrement factor, 471
asymmetrical interrupting current, 472
closing and latching current, 472
closing and latching impedance network, 469
dc decrement factor, 471
E/X method with correction for ac and dc decrement, 471
E/X simplified method, 470
first cycle symmetrical current, 469, 471
interrupting impedance network, 469
no ac decrement (NACD) ratio, 471
reactance adjustment factors, 470
representation of:
local generation, 469, 471
remote generation, 469, 471
symmetrical interrupting current, 469, 472
time-delayed 30 cycle current, 472
X/R ratio, 470
Arc resistance, 7
As Low As Reasonably Practicable, 517
Autotransformers, 232
PPS/NPS equivalent circuits, 232
ZPS equivalent ...

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