About This Book

Adobe has pulled together an amazing amount of information in its online help system (see online Appendix B, available from this book’s Missing CD page at www.missingmanuals.com/cds), but despite all these efforts, it’s geared toward seasoned Photoshop jockeys and assumes a level of skill that you may not have. The explanations are very clipped and to the point, which makes it difficult to get a real feel for the tool or technique you need help with.

That’s where this book comes in. It’s intended to make learning Photoshop CC tolerable—and even enjoyable—by avoiding technical jargon as much as possible and explaining why and when you’ll want to use (or avoid) certain features of the program. It’s a conversational and friendly approach intended to speak to beginners and seasoned pixel pushers alike.

Some of the tutorials in this book refer to files you can download from this book’s Missing CD page on the Missing Manuals website (www.missingmanuals.com/cds) so you can practice the techniques you’re reading about. And throughout the book, you’ll find several kinds of sidebar articles. The ones labeled “Up to Speed” help newcomers to Photoshop do things or explain concepts that veterans are probably already familiar with. Those labeled “Power Users’ Clinic” cover more advanced topics for the brave of heart.


Photoshop CC functions almost identically on Mac and Windows computers, but the screenshots in this book were all taken on a Mac for the sake of consistency. However, the keyboard shortcuts for the two operating systems are different, so you’ll find both included here—Mac shortcuts first, followed by Windows shortcuts in parentheses. In a few instances, the locations of certain folders differ, and in those cases, you get the directions for both operating systems.

About the Outline

This hefty book is divided into six parts, each devoted to the type of things you’ll do in Photoshop CC:

  • Part One: The Basics. Here’s where you’ll learn the essential skills you need to know before moving forward. Chapter 2 gives you the lay of the land and teaches you how to work with panels and make the Photoshop workspace your own. You’ll also find out the many ways of undoing what you’ve done, which is crucial when you’re still learning. Chapter 3 covers how to open and view documents efficiently, and how to set up new documents so you have a solid foundation on which to build your masterpieces.

    Chapter 4 dives into the most powerful Photoshop feature of all: layers. You’ll learn about the different kinds of layers and how to manage them, the power of layer masks, and how to use layer styles for special effects. Chapter 5 explains how to select part of an image so you can edit just that area. In Chapter 6, you’ll dive headfirst into the science of color as you explore channels (Photoshop’s way of storing the colors that make up your image) and learn how to use channels to create selections; you’ll also pick up some channel-specific editing tips along the way.


    In this book, the word “select” is used only to refer to the act of creating selections. In most other instances, the word “activate” is used instead, as in “activate the layer” or “activate the Crop tool.”

  • Part Two: Editing Images. Chapter 7 starts off by explaining a variety of ways you can crop images, both in Photoshop and in Camera Raw. The chapter then demystifies resolution once and for all so you’ll understand how to resize images without reducing their quality. In Chapter 8, you’ll learn how to combine images in a variety of ways, from simple techniques to more complex ones. Chapter 9 covers draining, changing, and adding color, arming you with several techniques for creating gorgeous black-and-white images, delicious duotones, partial-color effects, and more. You’ll also learn how to change the color of almost anything.

    Chapter 10 focuses on color-correcting images, beginning with auto fixer-uppers, and then moving on to the wonderfully simple world of Camera Raw and the more complicated realm of Levels and Curves. Chapter 11 is all about retouching images and is packed with practical techniques for slimming and trimming, and explains how to use the Dodge and Burn tools in ways that won’t harm your images. This chapter also covers using the various Content-Aware tools to remove objects from images or scoot an object from one spot to another, as well as how to use the Puppet Warp command to move just your subject’s arms and legs. Chapter 12 covers numerous ways to sharpen your images in order to make ’em look especially crisp.

  • Part Three: The Artistic Side of Photoshop. This part of the book is all about creativity. Chapter 13 explains the many ways of choosing colors for your documents, and teaches you how to create a painting from scratch. Chapter 14 focuses on using the mighty Pen tool to create complex illustrations and selections, along with how to use Photoshop’s various shape tools. Chapter 15 teaches you the basics of typography and then moves on to creating and formatting text in Photoshop. You’ll find out how to outline, texturize, and place photos inside text, among other fun yet practical techniques. Chapter 16 covers the wide world of filters including how to use Smart Filters; you’ll come away with at least one practical use for one or more of the filters in every category.

  • Part Four: Printing and the Web. In Chapter 17, you’ll learn about printing images, beginning with why it’s so darn hard to make what comes out of your printer match what you see onscreen. You’ll learn about the different color modes and how to prepare images for printing, whether you’re using an inkjet printer or sending your files to a commercial printing press. Chapter 18 focuses on preparing images for the Web, walks you through the various file formats you can use, explains how to protect your images online, and shows you how to use Bridge to create web galleries. Rounding out the chapter is info on using the Slice tool on a web page design, and step-by-step instructions for creating an animated GIF.

  • Part Five: Photoshop Power. This part is all about working smarter and faster. It starts with an entire chapter devoted to using actions (Chapter 19), which help you automate tasks you perform regularly. Chapter 20 covers installing and using plug-ins (small programs you can add on to Photoshop) and recommends some of the best on the market. Chapter 21 teaches you how to edit videos in Photoshop, Chapter 22 gets you started creating and working with 3D objects and text, and Chapter 23 explains how to use both Adobe Bridge and Photoshop’s Mini Bridge panel.

  • Part Six: Appendixes. Appendix A covers installing and uninstalling Photoshop. Appendix B gives you some troubleshooting tips, explains Photoshop’s help system, and points you to resources other than this book. Appendix C gives you a tour of the mighty Tools panel. And finally, Appendix D walks you through Photoshop CC’s 200+ menu items. All the appendixes are available on this book’s Missing CD page at www.missingmanuals.com/cds.

For Photographers

If you’re relatively new to digital-image editing or you’ve always shot film and are taking your first brave steps into the world of digital cameras, you’ll be amazed at what you can do in Photoshop, but there’s a lot to learn. By breaking Photoshop down into digestible chunks that are most important to you, the learning process will feel less overwhelming. (There’s no sense in tackling the whole program when you’ll only use a quarter of it—if that much.)

The most important thing to remember is to be patient and try not to get frustrated. With time and practice, you can master the bits of Photoshop that you need to do your job better. And with the help of this book, you’ll conquer everything faster than you might think. As you gain confidence, you can start branching out into other parts of the program to broaden your skills. Here’s a suggested roadmap for quickly learning the most useful aspects of the program:

  1. Read all of Chapters Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 (or at the very least skim them).

    These two chapters show you where to find all of Photoshop’s tools and features, and explain how the program is organized. You’ll learn how to open, view, and save images, which is vital stuff to know.

  2. If your photos aren’t on your computer already, read Chapter 23 about Adobe Bridge.

    Bridge is an amazingly powerful image organizer and browser that can help get your images onto your computer. It takes care of importing, renaming, and even backing up your precious photos.

  3. If you shoot in raw format (see the box on Raw vs. JPEG) and need to color-correct your images in a hurry, skip ahead to the section on editing in Camera Raw in Chapter 10 (Correcting Images in Camera Raw).

    This chapter includes an entire section on practical editing techniques you can use in Camera Raw, and a quick reference that points you to where you’ll find other Camera-Raw techniques throughout this book.

  4. If you don’t shoot in raw and you need to resize your images before editing them, read Chapter 7.

    This chapter explains resolution and how to resize images without reducing their quality.

  5. Proceed with Chapters Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 to learn about color effects, color-correcting, and retouching people, respectively.

  6. When you’re ready to sharpen your images, read Chapter 12.

  7. Finally, when you want to print your photos, read the section on printing with an inkjet printer in Chapter 17 (Printing on an Inkjet Printer).

    This chapter walks you through printing photos and includes advice on how to print borderless images.

That’s all you need to get started. When you’re ready to dive more fully into Photoshop, pick back up at Chapter 4, which covers layers, and then move on through the book as time permits.

The Very Basics

This book assumes that you know how to use a computer and that, to some extent, you’re an expert double-clicker and menu opener. If not, here’s a quick refresher:

To click means to move the point of your cursor over an object onscreen and then press the left mouse or trackpad button once. To right-click means to press the right mouse button once, which produces a menu of special features called a shortcut menu. (If you’re on a Mac and have a mouse with only one button, hold down the Control key while you click to simulate right-clicking.) To double-click means to press the left button twice, quickly, without moving the cursor between clicks. To drag means to click an object and then use the mouse to move it while still holding down the left mouse button.

Most selection buttons onscreen are pretty obvious, but you may not be familiar with radio buttons: To choose an option, you click one of these little empty circles that are arranged in a list.

You’ll find tons of keyboard shortcuts throughout this book, and they’re huge timesavers. If you see a sentence like, “Press ⌘-S (Ctrl+S) to save your file,” that means to hold down the ⌘ key (or Ctrl key, if you’re using a PC), and then press the S key, too; then let go of both keys. (This book lists Mac keyboard shortcuts first, followed by Windows shortcuts in parentheses.) Other keyboard shortcuts are so complex that you’ll need to use multiple fingers, both hands, and a well-placed elbow.

If you’re comfortable with basic concepts like these, you’re ready to get started with this book.


In Photoshop CC: The Missing Manual (and in all Missing Manuals, for that matter), you’ll see arrows sprinkled throughout each chapter in sentences like this: “Choose Filter→Blur→Tilt-Shift.” This is a shorthand way of helping you find files, folders, and menu items without having to read through painfully long and boring instructions. For example, the sentence quoted above is a short way of saying: “At the top of the Photoshop window, locate the Filter menu. Click it and, in the list that appears, look for the Blur category. Point to the word Blur without clicking and, in the resulting submenu, click Tilt-Shift” (see Figure 1-1).

Choosing Filter→Blur→Tilt-Shift takes you to the menu item shown here.

Figure 1-1. Choosing Filter→Blur→Tilt-Shift takes you to the menu item shown here.

About MissingManuals.com

On the Missing Manuals website (www.missingmanuals.com), you’ll find this book’s Missing CD page, which includes links to downloadable images mentioned in this book’s tutorials, in case you want to practice techniques without using your own photos.

A word about the image files for the tutorials: To make life easier for people with dial-up Internet connections, the file sizes have been kept pretty small. This means you probably won’t want to print the results of what you create (you’ll end up with a print about the size of a matchbook). But that doesn’t really matter because the files are only meant for onscreen use. You’ll see notes throughout the book about which practice images are available for any given chapter.

On the website, you can also find articles, tips, and updates to this book. If you click the Errata link, you’ll see any corrections we’ve made to the book, too; if you find something in these pages that you think is wrong, feel free to report it by clicking that link. Each time the book is printed, we’ll update it with any confirmed corrections. If you want to be certain that your own copy is up to the minute, this is where to check for any changes. And thanks for reporting any errors or suggesting corrections.

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