

aberrant movement in organizational relationship development, 46-47

adoption of cloud computing, 22-23

aggressive bargaining, effect on contract award decisions, 73-74

Anderson, Erin, 40, 44, 53, 87, 158, 174

anthropomorphic qualities of organizational relationships, 37

Apotheker, Leo, 50

Apple, scarcity of products, 20-22

Arrow, Kenneth, 149

assessment processes of partners, 79-83

Atos, 208


complacency, 227-229

insularity, 230-231

Axelrod, Robert, 130


Baker, Wayne, 10


balance theory, 65-66

dependence balancing, 67-69

equity sharing principle, 83-84

Walmart, 66-67

effect on partnerships, 11-12

imbalance as driver of frenemization, 63-65

psychological balance, 65-66

yin and yang concept, 61

balance theory, 65-66

dependence ...

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