

2D Cartesian coordinates, 24

2D graphics

2D Bézier curves, 391–396


BITMAPS sample program, 253–257

definition of, 252

drawing, 257

pixel packing, 257–258

raster position, 256

color matrix, 288–289

color tables

bias values, 291

color lookup, 289–290

proxies, 290–291

rendering, 291

replacing, 291–292

scaling factors, 291


applying, 293

border modes, 296–297

combining with other imaging operations, 293–294

definition of, 292

kernels, 292

loading from color buffer, 295

one-dimensional filters, 296

separable filters, 296

histograms, 297–300

history of, 10

imaging pipeline, 288

IMAGING sample program

glColorTable function, 290

glConvolutionFilter2D function, 293

glMatrixMode function, 288

histograms, 298–300

RenderScene ...

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