Chart Menu

The Chart menu appears only when a chart is selected in Excel; it replaces the Data menu on the menu bar. Many of these options duplicate settings in the chart wizard, giving you a chance to revisit some of those choices.

Chart Type

Opens the Chart Type window, where you can choose a new chart type for the selected chart (see Inserting movies and sounds).

Source Data

Opens the Source Data window, where you can choose a different range of cells from which the chart draws its data.

Move Chart

Opens the Chart Location window, where you set where the chart is placed: as a new sheet or as an object in an existing sheet.

Add Data

Opens the Add Data window, which lets you add additional cells to the chart.

Add Trendline

Opens the Add Trendline window, where you can add a trendline to your chart, or change one that’s already there (see Trend lines).

3-D Rotation

Summons the 3-D format window, which lets you manipulate your 3D chart as if it were a real-world, solid item by rotating it, scaling it, or changing its elevation. If the selected chart isn’t a 3-D chart, this menu item isn’t available.

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