2.13.1 Sum of series

Problem: Write a program to calculate sin x for given x in degrees by

  1. Using series expansion
  2. Using library function sin().

Solution: See Program 2.11.

Program 2.11 sin(x) using series

// sinx.cpp#include<iostream.h>#include<conio.h>#include<math.h>int main(){ int i ;  float sum=0,term =1;  float x,y;  cout << “<---sinx.cpp--->” << endl;  cout << “Give X between 0 to 90 degrees : ” ;  cin >> y;  x = y * 3.14159 /180.0 ; // x in radian  sum=term =x; i=1;  while (i<15)  { i=i+2;    term = -1 * term * x * x/i/(i-1);    sum= sum + term;   } cout <<”The value of sine ” << y << “ Degrees” << endl;  cout << “ By the series method : ” << sum <<endl;  cout << “By using library function sin : ”<<sin(x)<<endl; ...

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