Building the Log Parser

We are finally ready to start writing some code. The first thing we do is open our script and check whether a log filename was passed (the only mandatory argument). If not, the script dies and prints the script usage; otherwise, it continues:


use strict;

# Check for mandatory arguments or print out usage info
unless (@ARGV) { 
 die "Usage: $0 LogFile\n"; 

Now that we know a command-line argument was passed, we assume it was the log file name and attempt to open the file. If we cannot open the file, the script dies and prints an error message:

# Attempt to open the input file
open(IN, "<", $ARGV[0]) or die"ERROR: Can't open file $ARGV[0].\n";

Before we go any further, it is imperative that we be familiar with the structure and format of the log file we are parsing. Provided that the proxy server you are using is logging the raw HTTP requests and responses (most of them do), the logic to generate test requests from our Perl script should be virtually identical, with the exception of the delimiter used to separate each log file entry. Looking at the Burp log file shown in Example 8-6, notice that each request and response is separated with a consistent delimiter (”=" 54 x).

Example 8-6. Excerpt from Burp proxy log file

====================================================== ====================================================== GET /blah.jsp HTTP/1.0 Accept: */* Accept-Language: en-us Pragma: no-cache User-Agent: ...

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