Memory Segments and Layout

In general, today’s operating systems (OSes) support two levels of protected memory areas in which processes can run: user space and kernel space. The kernel space is where the core processes of the OS execute. The user space is where user-level processes—such as daemons—execute. A discussion of memory corruption attacks should focus on two areas: kernel space attacks and user-level processes. Kernel space attacks are beyond the scope of this chapter and really aren’t what MSF was designed for, so we’ll focus on user-space processes. Attacks against these processes can be generalized in local and remote attacks. MSF in general is used to exploit programs that listen for remote network connections, and in the example module later in this chapter, we’ll focus on this kind of attack.

Before discussing how to exploit process memory, it is necessary to understand how the virtual memory for user-level processes is organized. The following paragraphs discuss the Linux operating system on the x86 architecture. Many of the general concepts will apply to other operating systems and architectures.

When the OS initializes a process, it maps five main virtual memory segments. Each segment has a specific purpose and can either have a fixed size or grow as needed. Table 5-2 describes each standard” mmory segment in Linux. The code, data, and BSS segments are populated with information from the executable during process initialization. The heap and stack typically ...

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