
Note: Page numbers followed by b indicate boxes and f indicate figures.


Accelerometer, 82–85
behaviors and interactions, 48–49
description, 44, 45
emulator, prototyping, 156b
hardware to software interface, 47–48
map and location pattern, 130
official logos, 46f
open source license, 46, 46f
screen sizes, 51–52
smartphones and tablets, 45f
touch gestures, 50
user interface elements, 52–57
Android 2.X, 199f, 207f
Android 4.X, 201f, 209f
Apple eMate 300, 1–2
Apple Newton
email checking, 1–2
MessagePad, 1–2
Application Programming Interface (API)
and HTML5, 166, 168
integration, 120
App store
android approval process, 164
discoverability, 164
iOS approval process, 164
misconceptions, ...

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