

(\\) (backslashes), 82, 225

$ (dollar sign), 69

{} (curly brackets), 64

arrays, 121

Java programs, 43

-- (decrement operator), 72

/ (division operator), 72

“ (double quotation marks), 66, 81

// (double slashes), 43

= (equal signs), 66, 70

== (equality operator), 93

/ (forward slashes), 225

> (greater than operator), 92

++ (increment operator), 72

!= (inequality operator), 94

< (less than operator), 92

- (minus sign), 72

* (multiplication operator), 72

% operator, 72

+= operator, 84

+ (plus sign)

addition operator (+), 72

concatenation operator, 82-83

increment operator (++), 72

? (question mark), 99-100

; (semicolons), 44, 115

‘ (single quotation marks), 66, 82

[ ] (square brackets), 120, 284

_ (underscores)

large numbers, 67

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