
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Abnormal level earthquake (ALE), 62–63
requirements, 65
structural and foundation modeling, 65–68
topside appurtenances and equipment, 67–68
Add Member Group dialog box, 348–350
Add/Edit Conductor Data button, 346–348
Airy and Stokes theories, 47
Allowable joint capacity, 146–148
conceptual design, 311
and contingencies of weight, 311–312
defined, 316t
detailed design, 311
fabrication, 311–312
in weight, 311t
Aluminum helideck, 205
API RP2A, 52, 253, 258–259, 300, 314
cylinder member strength calculation by, 125–135
axial compression, 125
axial tension, 125
axial tension and hydrostatic pressure, 130–131, 132
bending, 126
combined axial compression ...

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