Detecting Malicious ActiveX Controls

Your best hope for detecting malicious ActiveX controls is to use an antivirus scanner or software that scans incoming Internet traffic.

Disable Internet access

Disable Internet access to prevent possible further damage.

Use malicious code scanners and firewalls

Most antivirus programs and the more sophisticated firewalls can scan for malicious controls when they are being launched or downloaded. Figure 11-11 shows an antivirus scanning program catching a malicious control.

Network Associate’s McAfee VShield in action

Figure 11-11. Network Associate’s McAfee VShield in action

Unfortunately, antivirus scanners must know about the malicious code to catch it. New ways of compromising systems are being developed every day. So, while a good antivirus scanner that detects all malicious mobile code is a great defense, it isn’t foolproof.

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