
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


#import directive, Header Files
#include directive, Header Files
$TERM, values of (under Terminal and xterm), The Terminal and xterm Compared
&& (and) operator, Inspecting a File’s Attributes
* (asterisk)
passwords set to, Creating a User with niload
quoting or escaping in passwd entries, Creating a User’s Home Directory
-bundle option (cc), Building a Shared Library
-flat_namespace linker flag, Two-Level Namespaces
-lcurses routine, The System Library: libSystem
.app file extension, Using the Terminal, Disk Images
.command files, .command files
.deb file extension, Installing Fink
.dmg files, Disk Images
.h file extension, Header Files
.h.gch file extension, Header Files
.img file extension, Disk Images
.pkg format
pre-built binary packages, Installing Binaries
.pmproj document, Using GNU tar
.so file extension, libstdc++
.term files, .term files
configuring window to execute a command, .command files
.xinitrc script, for X11 customization, Customizing X11
.zip format, archiving files from Finder, Using PackageMaker
/Applications/Utilities directory
Directory Access and, Configuring Directory Services
NetInfo Manager, NetInfo Manager
Terminal, Using the Terminal ...

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