


  [ -b ]
  [ -c ]
  [ -d ]
  [ -D date | -r rev ]
  [ -f ]
  [ -F ]
  [ -l | R ]
  [ file  ]

Assign a tag to the sandbox revisions of a set of files. You can use the status -v command to list the existing tags for a file.

The tag must start with a letter and must consist entirely of letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_). Therefore, while you might want to tag your hello project with 1.0 when you release Version 1.0, you’ll need to tag it with something like hello-1_0 instead.

The standard meanings of the common client options -D, -f, -l, -r, and -R apply. Additional options are listed in Table 18-36.

Table 18-36. tag options




Make a branch.


Check for changes. Make sure the files are not locally modified before tagging.


Delete the tag.


Force. Move the tag from its current revision to the one specified.

Since the -d option throws away information that might be important, it is recommended that you use it only when absolutely necessary. It is usually better to create a different tag with a similar name.

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