Part IV. Sound and Video


Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Part IV covers sound and video, the media types that arguably contributed most significantly to the ubiquitous use of Flash on the web. Chapter 11 covers the use of internal and external sound, and features examples of controlling sound playback, as well as manipulating volume and stereo panning. The chapter also includes a brief overview of parsing ID3 metadata from MP3 sounds, for display during audio playback. Also featured is a sound visualization exercise that uses the Graphics class from Chapter 8 to draw a waveform in real time. The chapter concludes with new features that allow access to incoming microphone data, allowing you to record, play back, and even save microphone input.

Chapter 12 contains information about encoding video using the free Adobe Media Encoder. The chapter also discusses two approaches to authoring video playback. By using components, you’re able to focus more on the balance of your design and application as most of the ActionScript is taken care of for you. However, this chapter also includes the information necessary to code your own video player, so you can keep file size down if you choose not to rely on the video components. Finally, Chapter 12 provides true full-screen video examples, and covers accessibility and multilanguage projects through the use of video captioning.

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