Scripting the CoinSpawner Component

Our spawning Component will create a randomly selected type of coin whenever the GameObject with this script becomes active. Create a new script named CoinSpawner and fill it out as shown in Listing 8.5.

Listing 8.5 The CoinSpawner Script

public class CoinSpawner : MonoBehaviour{  public GameObject coinSpawnPoint;  public Object[] coinPrefabs;  void Start()  {    this.SpawnCoin();  }  void SpawnCoin()  {    int random = Random.Range(0, coinPrefabs.Length);    GameObject coin = Object.Instantiate      (coinPrefabs[(Random.Range(0, coinPrefabs.Length))],       coinSpawnPoint.transform.position,       coinSpawnPoint.transform.rotation) as GameObject;    coin.rigidbody2D.AddForce(new ...

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