Preparing the Pit Trigger Volume

We’ll create our base pit trigger in much the same way that we created our base checkpoint trigger, albeit with a different script since we probably don’t want to checkpoint the player as they plummet to their doom:

1. Create an empty GameObject and name it “Pit.”

2. Select a recognizable icon, such as a red circle, to make it easier to find again in the future.

3. Click Add Component and choose Physics 2D > Box Collider 2D.

4. Click the “Is Trigger” property to set it to true.

5. Drag the Pit GameObject under a Scene containing a pit in the Hierarchy.

6. Adjust the size and position of the Box Collider 2D so that it’s under the pit in a fashion similar to that shown in Figure 8.2.

Figure 8.2 Placement of a ...

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