
Package net.jxta.endpoint


The endpoint package defines two types of classes. The first deals with the representation of endpoints within the JXTA network (an endpoint is an abstraction of the entry to the network—e.g., a TCP address). A peer’s multiple network entries (e.g., TCP and HTTP) are represented by a single endpoint. The endpoint service is used by the JXTA infrastructure to handle messages sent through endpoints. In general, JXTA applications and services do not deal with these classes.

The second type of class is the message-related class. These classes are used to handle messages, which are the data objects sent and received over pipes. These classes are very common. Messages are structured documents (represented by XML tags) made up of a heirarchy of elements; they contain addressing information as well. The class hierarchy for this package is shown in Figure 9-5.

The net.jxta.endpoint package

Figure 9-5. The net.jxta.endpoint package


public interface EndpointAddress extends Cloneable;
public interface EndpointFilterListener;
public interface EndpointListener;
public interface EndpointMessenger;
public interface EndpointProtocol;
public interface EndpointService extends net.jxta.service.Service;
public interface Message;
public interface MessageElementEnumeration extends java.util.Enumeration;


public abstract class MessageElement;

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