
The links[] array of the Document object contains Link objects that represent each of the hypertext links in a document. Recall that HTML hypertext links are coded with the href attribute of the <a> tag. In JavaScript 1.1 and later, the <area> tag in a client-side image map also creates a Link object in the Document links[] array.

The Link object represents the URL of the hypertext link and contains all the properties that the Location object (introduced in Chapter 13) does. For example, the href property of a Link object contains the complete text of the URL to which it is linked, while the hostname property contains only the hostname portion of that URL. See the client-side reference section for a complete list of these URL-related properties.

Example 14-5 shows a function that generates a list of all the links in a document. Note the use of the Document write( ) and close( ) methods to dynamically generate a document, as discussed earlier in this chapter.

Example 14-5. Listing the links in a document

 * FILE: listlinks.js
 * List all links in the specified document in a new window
function listlinks(d) {
    var newwin ="", "linklist", 

    for (var i = 0; i < d.links.length; i++) {
        newwin.document.write('<a href="' + d.links[i].href + '">')
    newwin.document.close(  );

Links, Web Crawlers, and JavaScript Security

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