
Practical use

Image rollovers

Version requirement

JavaScript 1.1


imagePreLoad(), imageSwap(), display()

Just like the functions in dhtml.js, the code in images.js was presented in earlier chapters. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 have various versions of the code listed in Example 6.7. You can preload images and use them for mouse rollovers.

Example 6-7. images.js

     1  var imgPath   = 'images/';
     2  var arrayHandles = new Array('out', 'over');
     4  for (var i = 0; i < arrayHandles.length; i++) {
     5    eval('var ' + arrayHandles[i] + ' = new Array()');
     6    }
     8  for (var i = 0; i < imgNames.length; i++) {
     9    imagePreLoad(imgNames[i], i);
    10    }
    12  function imagePreLoad(imgName, idx) {
    13    for(var j = 0; j < arrayHandles.length; j++) {
    14      eval(arrayHandles[j] + "[" + idx + "] = new Image()");
    15      eval(arrayHandles[j] + "[" + idx + "].src = '" + imgPath + imgName + 
    16        arrayHandles[j] + ".gif'");
    17      }
    18    }
    20  function imageSwap(imagePrefix, imageIndex, arrayIdx) {
    21    document[imagePrefix].src = eval(arrayHandles[arrayIdx] + "[" + 
    22      imageIndex + "].src");
    23    }
    24  function display(stuff) { window.status = stuff; }

Since you know the procedure for image rollovers, I haven’t included any graphics here to illustrate the difference.

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