

A/B testing, 92
Account managers, 109
Adams, Paul, 63, 113, 182, 205
Agreement and buy-in per study, 107–108
Albert, Bill, 31–32, 95–96
Almquist, Gregg, 20–21, 28–29, 118–119
Analysis, 126
Analysis plan, 73
Analytics, 226–227


Bad news, communication of, 202–204
Bad research questions, 82–85
Before and after screenshots, 219–221
Berry, Bertice, 103
Bias, 120
Biesterfeldt, Jakob, 87–88, 141
Blog, 145–146
Body language, 61, 129
Bojko, Agnieszka, 223–224
Bollen, Shmuel, 96–97
Books, 168–169
Bowles, Cennydd, 196
Brochure, 188–189
Budget allocations for research, 213
Buley, Leah, 152
Business changes, as indication of research buy-in, 216–217
Business stakeholders, 5–8, 6f
marketing people, 7–8
product managers, 6–7, 12, 50, 70
salespeople, ...

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