Chapter 4. Going on a Mobile Safari

In This Chapter

  • Surfing the Net

  • Opening and displaying Web pages

  • Using a wireless network

  • Having fun with links, bookmarks, and history lists

  • Securing Safari

"You feel like you're actually holding the Web right in the palm of your hand."

Marketers use lines like that because, well, that's what marketers do. Only when an Apple marketer says such a thing to describe surfing the Web on the iPad, a lot of truth is behind it. The iPad's glorious display, in combination with the snappy new Apple-designed A4 chip inside the machine, makes browsing on Apple's tablet an absolute delight.

In this chapter, you discover the pleasures — and the few roadblocks — in navigating cyberspace on your iPad.

Going on a Mobile Safari

Surfin' Dude

A version of the Apple Safari Web browser is a major reason that the Net on the iPad is very much like the Net you've come to expect on a more traditional computer. Come to think of it, the Net often looks a lot better on the iPad thanks to its beautiful screen. Safari for the Mac and for Windows is one of the very best Web browsers in the business. In our view, Safari on the iPhone has no rival as a cell-phone browser. As you might imagine, Safari on the iPad is equally appealing.

Exploring the browser

We start our cyberexpedition with a quick tour of the Safari browser. Take a gander at Figure 4-1: Not all browser controls found on a PC or Mac are present. Still, ...

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