Drawing Text and Shadows

While we are talking about drawing, let’s add some text with a shadow to the view, as shown in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3  View that draws text

View that draws text

Open HypnosisView.m and add the following code to the end of your drawRect: method:

 ​ ​ ​ ​f​o​r​ ​(​f​l​o​a​t​ ​c​u​r​r​e​n​t​R​a​d​i​u​s​ ​=​ ​m​a​x​R​a​d​i​u​s​;​ ​c​u​r​r​e​n​t​R​a​d​i​u​s​ ​>​ ​0​;​ ​c​u​r​r​e​n​t​R​a​d​i​u​s​ ​-​=​ ​2​0​)​ ​ ​ ​ ​{​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​C​G​C​o​n​t​e​x​t​A​d​d​A​r​c​(​c​o​n​t​e​x​t​,​ ​c​e​n​t​e​r​.​x​,​ ​c​e​n​t​e​r​.​y​,​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​c​u​r​r​e​n​t​R​a​d​i​u​s​,​ ​0​,​ ​M​_​P​I​ ​*​ ​2​.​0​,​ ​Y​E​S​)​;​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ...

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