
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively.

Accelerator grid, 238
Adiabatic invariants, 111–112
Alfven velocity, 148
Alfven waves
oblique, 170, 171f
propagation of magnetic perturbations, 161
in plasma, 162–164
travel, 173
Alternating current (AC), 77
Ambipolar diffusion, 140
Ampere’s law, 72, 138, 203, 213
Anode, 246
Anomalous transport, 143
Applied fields (AFs), 196
AF-MPD, 229–234
Applied Toroidal field configurations, 285–287
stellarators, 292–294, 292f
tokamak, 287–290, 287f
Beam ion production cost, 237
Birkeland currents, 316
Bohr model, 52f, 53
Boron nitride (BN), 245
Borosil (BN-SiO2), 245
Bow shock, 311
Earth’s bow shock, 315

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