
The example in this section (Example 11-8) is more complex and requires a little familiarity with the Standard Template Library (STL) to fully understand. It shows the power of parallel_for beyond flat iteration spaces. The code performs a parallel merge of two sorted sequences. It works for any sequence with a random-access iterator. The algorithm operates recursively as follows:

  1. If the sequences are too short for effective use of parallelism, it does a sequential merge. Otherwise, it performs steps 2–6.

  2. It swaps the sequences if necessary so that the first sequence, [begin1, end1), is at least as long as the second sequence, [begin2, end2).

  3. It sets m1 to the middle position in [begin1, end1). It calls the item at that location key.

  4. It sets m2 to where key would fall in [begin2, end2).

  5. It merges [begin1,m1) and [begin2,m2) to create the first part of the merged sequence.

  6. It merges [m1,end1) and [m2,end2) to create the second part of the merged sequence.

The Intel Threading Building Blocks implementation of this algorithm uses the Range object to perform most of the steps. The predicate is_divisible performs the test in step 1, along with step 2. The splitting constructor performs steps 3–6. The body object does the sequential merges.

Example 11-8. Parallel merge

#include "tbb/parallel_for.h" #include <algorithm> using namespace tbb; template<typename Iterator> struct ParallelMergeRange { static size_t grainsize; Iterator begin1, end1; // [begin1,end1) is 1st sequence to be ...

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