Nonlinear pipelines

The pipeline template supports only linear pipelines. It does not directly handle more baroque plumbing, such as in Figure 4-2.

Nonlinear pipeline

Figure 4-2. Nonlinear pipeline

However, you can still use pipeline for this. One solution is to topologically sort the stages into a linear order, as in Figure 4-3. Another solution, which injects dummy stages to get lower latency, is provided in Chapter 11 in the section titled “Two Mouths: Feeding Two from the Same Task in a Pipeline.”

Topologically sorted pipeline

Figure 4-3. Topologically sorted pipeline

In the topological sorting of the stages (Figure 4-3), the light gray arrows are the original arrows that are now implied by transitive closure of the other arrows. It might seem that a lot of parallelism is lost by forcing a linear order on the stages, but in fact, the only loss is in the latency of the pipeline, not the throughput. The latency is the time it takes a token to flow from the beginning to the end of the pipeline. Given a sufficient number of processors, the latency of the original nonlinear pipeline is three stages. This is because stages A and B could process the token concurrently, and likewise, stages D and E could process the token concurrently. In the linear pipeline, the latency is five stages. The behavior of stages A, B, D, and E may need to be ...

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