59Future Trends in Smart Homes and Buildings

Wolfgang Kastner

Vienna University of Technology

Markus Jung

Vienna University of Technology

Lukas Krammer

Vienna University of Technology

  1. 59.1 Introduction

  2. 59.2 Application Areas

    1. Smart Living

    2. Smart Metering and Energy Management

    3. Smart Grids and Smart Cities

  3. 59.3 Future Internet of Things Protocols

    1. 6LoWPAN

    2. ZigBee IP

    3. Constrained RESTful Environments

  4. 59.4 IoT Protocol Stacks and System Architectures

    1. Open Building Information Exchange

    2. OPC UA

    3. MQTT

    4. IPSO Application Framework

    5. ZigBee: Smart Energy Profile 2

  5. 59.5 Conclusion

  6. References

59.1 Introduction

For home and building automation technologies, two main trends can be observed. The first one arises from the ongoing demand to improve the energy efficiency ...

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