

The Abelson Group, 90, 121, 168

ambiguity in communication, 49-50

adapting communication styles, 19-20

aesthetic motivator, 117, 119

Agile Manifesto, xv, 14

Agile Software Development, xvi

Allen, Carlton, 158

anarchy, authority versus, 30

Apollo 13 example (team self-organization), 25-26

assessments, DISC, 22-23, 187-193

authority, anarchy versus, 30

average values, 74-77


BalderDISC exercise, 163-168

facilitation of, 165-166

materials needed, 164

post-exercise discussion, 166-167

setup for, 164-165

behaviors. See teams, behaviors

blocking, avoiding in conversations, 60-61

body language

cues in, 50-52

cultural awareness, 53

eye contact, 48-49

reflecting, 54

BPR (Business Process Reengineering), 5

Bridge exercise, 145-149

facilitation ...

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