Look Ma, No Tag!

Now check out the full application in Example 7-4. Notice that there is no <audio> tag defined in the HTML, but the sound still plays. This is our first step toward integrating HTMLAudioElement objects with HTML5 Canvas.

Example 7-4. Playing a sound with no tag

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>CH7EX4: Playing A Sound With No Tag</title>
<script src="modernizr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener('load', eventWindowLoaded, false);
var audioElement;
function eventWindowLoaded() {

   audioElement = document.createElement("audio");
   var audioType = supportedAudioFormat(audioElement);
   if (audioType == "") {
      alert("no audio support");
   audioElement.setAttribute("src", "song1." + audioType);


function supportedAudioFormat(audio) {
   var returnExtension = "";
   if (audio.canPlayType("audio/ogg") =="probably" ||
       audio.canPlayType("audio/ogg") == "maybe") {
         returnExtension = "ogg";
   } else if(audio.canPlayType("audio/wav") =="probably" ||
       audio.canPlayType("audio/wav") == "maybe") {
         returnExtension = "wav";
   } else if(audio.canPlayType("audio/mp3") == "probably" ||
       audio.canPlayType("audio/mp3") == "maybe") {
         returnExtension = "mp3";

   return returnExtension;


function canvasSupport () {
     return Modernizr.canvas;

function audioLoaded(event) {



function canvasApp() {

  if (!canvasSupport ...

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