Chapter 1. Flex and ActionScript Basics

A Flex application consists primarily of code written in two different languages: ActionScript and MXML. In its 3.0 incarnation, ActionScript went from a prototype-based scripting language to a fully object-oriented, strictly typed language. MXML is a markup language that will feel comfortable to anyone who has spent time working with Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), or a host of newer markup-based languages.

Many newcomers to Flex wonder how MXML and ActionScript relate to one another. The MXML compiler (mxmlc), after parsing through the different idioms, translates them into the same objects, so that this:

<s:Button id="btn" label="My Button" height="100"/>

and this:

var btn:Button = new Button();
btn.label = "My Button";
btn.height = 100;

produce the same object. The major difference is that while creating that object in ActionScript (the second example) creates the button and nothing else, creating the object in MXML adds the button to whatever component contains the MXML code. The Flex Framework handles calling the constructor of the object described in MXML and either adding it to the parent or setting it as a property of the parent.

MXML files can include ActionScript within a <fx:Script> tag, but ActionScript files cannot include MXML. Although it’s tempting to think of MXML as describing the appearance and components that make up your application and of ActionScript as describing the event handlers and custom logic your application requires, this is not always true. A far better way to think of their relationship is that both languages ultimately describe the same objects via different syntax. Certain aspects of the Flash platform cannot be accessed without using ActionScript loops, function declarations, and conditional statements, among many other features. Consequently, the use of ActionScript, and the integration between MXML and ActionScript, is necessary for all but the very simplest applications.

This chapter discusses many aspects of integrating MXML and ActionScript: creating components in MXML, creating classes in ActionScript, adding event listeners, creating code-behind files by using ActionScript and MXML, and creating function declarations. Although it doesn’t contain all the answers, it will get you started with the basics of ActionScript and MXML.

1.1. Create a Flex Project in Flash Builder


You want to create a project in Flash Builder.


Use the Create New Project wizard.


Flash Builder is built on top of Eclipse, the venerable and well-respected integrated development environment (IDE) most strongly associated with Java development. Although Flash Builder certainly is not necessary for Flex development, it is the premier tool for creating Flex applications and as such, provides a wealth of features to help you design and develop applications more effectively. You can use Flash Builder either as a standalone application or as a plug-in to an existing installation of Eclipse.

The first thing to do as a Flex developer is to create a new Flex project. A Flex project is different from the other types of projects in Flash Builder because it includes the Flex library SWC (unlike an ActionScript project) and is compiled to a SWF file that can be viewed in the Flash Player (unlike a Flex Library project). To create a project, right-click or Ctrl-click (Mac) in Flash Builder’s project navigator to display the contextual menu (Figure 1-1), or use the File menu at the top of the application. From either, choose NewFlex Project. A dialog box will appear to guide you through creating a project.

Creating a new Flex project
Figure 1-1. Creating a new Flex project

When prompted to specify how the project will get its data, choose Basic, which brings you to the New Flex Project dialog box (Figure 1-2).

Enter an application name and, below, a location where the files will be stored on your system. The default location is C:/Documents and Settings/Username/Documents/workspace/Projectname on a Windows machine, and Users/Username/Documents/workspace/Projectname on a Mac. You can, of course, uncheck Use Default Location and store your files wherever you like. The name of the project must be unique. The Application Type section lets you select whether you are making an Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) application or an application that will run in a browser via the Flash Player plug-in. Finally, the Server Technology settings let you indicate whether the application will be connecting to a server, and if so, what server type and separate configuration type are needed.

If you have nothing more to add, click Finish. To change the location where the compiled SWF file will be placed, click Next to reach the screen shown in Figure 1-3.

Once you’ve set the location for the generated SWF, you can either click Finish or add source folders or SWC files to the project. To add another folder or set of folders, click the Source Path tab (Figure 1-4). To add SWC files to the project, click the Library Path tab (Figure 1-5). On this screen, you can also change the main MXML application file, which by default has the same name as the project.

With all paths and names specified, click Finish. Your project is now configured, and you are ready to begin development.

Creating a new project in Flash Builder
Figure 1-2. Creating a new project in Flash Builder
Setting the location where the compiled SWF will be placed
Figure 1-3. Setting the location where the compiled SWF will be placed
Setting the source folder and main application file
Figure 1-4. Setting the source folder and main application file
Setting any additional source paths for a Flex project
Figure 1-5. Setting any additional source paths for a Flex project

1.2. Create a Flex Library Project in Flash Builder


You need to create a Flex Library project.


From the Flex Navigator, choose New Flex Library Project to access the Create New Project wizard.


A Flex Library project does not have a main MXML file that is compiled into a SWF. Instead, the project files are compiled into a SWC file that can be used in other applications or as the source for a runtime shared library (usually referred to as an RSL). The classes within the library are used to create a group of assets that can be reused in multiple projects at either compile time or runtime. To create a Flex Library project, right-click or Ctrl-click (Mac) in the Flash Builder’s project navigator to open the contextual menu (Figure 1-6), or use the File menu. In either case, then choose NewFlex Library Project.

Creating a Flex Library Project
Figure 1-6. Creating a Flex Library Project

In the resulting dialog box (Figure 1-7), specify a name for your project as well as its location.

Setting the project location and SDK for the compiler
Figure 1-7. Setting the project location and SDK for the compiler

If you have nothing more to add, click Finish now. If you need to include files, assets, or other SWC files, including the Adobe AIR libraries, click Next and select them from the resulting screen. To set the path to assets or classes that you would like to add to the library, first browse to a source path you would like to include and then specify the classes or graphical assets to compile into the library. Click Finish to create the project.

1.3. Set Compiler Options in Flash Builder


You need to set specific compiler options for the MXML compiler.


Set the options for the compiler arguments in the Flex Compiler screen of the Project Properties dialog box.


The MXML compiler, also called mxmlc, is the application that compiles ActionScript and MXML files into a SWF file that can be viewed in the Flash Player. When you run or debug a Flex application in Flash Builder, the MXML compiler is invoked and the files are passed to the compiler as an argument to the application. When you debug the player, an argument to create a debug SWF is passed to the MXML compiler. Flash Builder lets you pass other arguments to the compiler, as well; for example, you can pass arguments to specify the location of an external library path, allow the SWF to access local files, or set the color of the background.

To change the compiler settings for a project, right-click or Ctrl-click (Mac) on the project and select Properties from the contextual menu (Figure 1-8), or choose ProjectProperties from the menu bar.

Changing the properties of a project
Figure 1-8. Changing the properties of a project

In the resulting Project Properties dialog box (Figure 1-9), select Flex Compiler. Here you have several options to control how the SWF file is compiled. In the input field labeled Additional Compiler Arguments, you can add multiple options; simply type a hyphen (-) in front of each option and separate the options with spaces.

Setting compiler options
Figure 1-9. Setting compiler options

Some of the most commonly used options are as follows:


Specifies whether the SWF will include line numbers and filenames when a runtime error occurs. This makes the generated SWF larger. Note that a SWF with verbose-stacktraces enabled is not the same as a debug SWF.

source-path path-element

Specifies directories or files to be added to the source path that contain MXML or ActionScript you want included. You can use wildcards to include all files and subdirectories of a directory. Also, you can use += to append the new argument to the default options or any options set in a configuration file. For example:


Specifies a SWC file to be compiled into the application and links all the classes and assets in the library into the SWF. This option is useful if the application will load in other modules that may need access to the classes in a SWC that the SWF will not be using.


Similar to the include-libraries option but includes only classes and assets that are used in the SWF. This lets you keep the size of the SWF file manageable.


Specifies a locale to be associated with a SWF file. For example, you can use -locale=es_ES to specify that the SWF is localized for Spanish.


Indicates whether the SWF will have access to the local filesystem and is intended for use on a local machine, or whether the standard Flash Player security will apply. For example, use -use-network=false to specify that the SWF will have local filesystem access but will not be able to use any network services. The default value is true.


Enables you to add asset factories that stream in after the application and then publish their interfaces with the ModuleManager class. The advantage of doing this is that the application starts faster than it would have if the assets had been included in the code, but it does not require moving the assets to a external SWF file.


Ensures that all style information, even if it is not used in the application, is compiled into the SWF. This is important if the application will be loading other components that require style information. The default value is false, which means that style information not used in the application is not compiled into the SWF.

After setting the options for the compiler, click the Apply button to save the options for that project.

1.4. Compile a Flex Project Without Flash Builder


You are not using Flash Builder for your Flex project, and you need to compile your project.


Use a terminal window or command prompt to invoke the MXML compiler.


Although Flash Builder is a powerful tool for Flex development, it is certainly not a requirement for creating Flex applications. The MXML compiler (mxmlc) is free to anyone and can be downloaded from the Adobe website. To compile a Flex application outside of Flash Builder, open a command prompt (Windows) or a terminal window (Mac OS X), invoke the MXML compiler, and pass the file containing the application as an argument, using a command such as the following:

home:base$. /Users/base/Flex SDK 4/bin/mxmlc ~/Documents/FlexTest/FlexTest.mxml

This will compile the MXML file into a SWF that by default resides in the folder where the MXML file is located. Any warnings or errors from the compiler will be displayed in the terminal or command-prompt window. To add further options to the MXML compiler, you append arguments to the call to the compiler. For example, this command:

home:base$ ./mxmlc ~/Documents/FlexTest/FlexTest.mxml  
-output=/Users/base/test/generated/Index.swf -library-path+=/Users/lib/MyLib.swc

generates a SWF file named Index.swf, places it in the directory at /Users/base/test/generated/, and includes the SWC library /Users/lib/MyLib.swc.

To invoke the MXML compiler directly from the command line without providing the full path to your SDK installation (which in this example is C:\flex_sdk_4), you will need to add the /bin directory the compiler resides into the Path systems variable. On a Windows machine, do the following:

  1. Open System from the Control Panel.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. Click Environment Variables.

  4. Within the System variables grid, navigate to and double-click Path.

  5. In the Variable Value field, if the last character is not set to a semicolon (;), enter a semicolon and then the path to the /bin folder within your Flex SDK installation directory.

  6. With the path to the MXML compiler directory set, open a command prompt, navigate to your project directory, and enter the following command:

    C:\Documents\FlexTest> mxmlc FlexTest.mxml

    This generates the FlexTest.swf file within C:\Documents\FlexTest, just as the first command presented in this section does. Setting the path to the /bin directory of the Flex 4 SDK installation lets you invoke the compiler from any directory, including, in this example, your current project directory.

  7. If step 6 results in the following error message:

    Error: could not find JVM

    you must manually enter the path to the directory in which the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on your machine. To manually enter the path, navigate to the /bin directory of your Flex 4 SDK installation, open the jvm.config file in a text editor, and append the path to your JRE installation directory to the variable java.home. Assuming the Java installation is on the root of your drive, you would enter the following:


On a Linux or Mac box, you would do the following:

  1. Open your .bash_profile file (if you are using Bash) and edit the PATH variable, adding the location of the MXML compiler. Your .bash_profile file should look something like this:

    export PATH

    The .bash_profile file will be located in your home directory (which you can always access via a command line by typing cd ~). If you are using tsch, the path to the MXML compiler should be added to the .profile file.

  2. If the Java runtime is not set properly, set the following PATH variable in your terminal shell:

    export PATH

Now that you’ve set the path to the Flex compiler, you’re ready to compile your Flex applications from the command line.

1.5. Add an Event Listener in MXML


You need to add an event listener in MXML that will listen for any events dispatched by children within the MXML file.


Pass a method name to the event property of the component either with or without an event object.


Flex components dispatch events whenever an action occurs, such as a user clicking a button, the selected item in a combo box changing, or data loading. To listen to these events being broadcast, simply add a reference to a function that will handle the events. For example:

<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

            private function buttonClick():void {
                trace(" Button has been clicked ");
    <s:Button click="buttonClick()" label="Click Me"/>

Adding click="buttonClick()" invokes the function buttonClick() whenever the button dispatches a click event.

You can also pass the event object itself to the function. Every time a component dispatches an event, the component sends an object of type Event that any object listening to the event can receive. For example:

<s:SkinnableComponent xmlns:fx=""

            private function buttonClick(event:Event):void {
                if( == "buttonOne") {
                    trace(" button one was clicked")
                } else {
                    trace(" button two was clicked");
    <s:Button click="buttonClick(event)"
              label="Click Me One" id="buttonOne"/>
    <s:Button click="buttonClick(event)"
              label="Click Me Two" id="buttonTwo"/>


By telling the event listener to listen for an object of type Event, you can have a child component send the event to the event listener method and then respond to that event in different ways depending on the type of event, where the event originated, or data included with the event. In this example, the response depends on where the event originated.

The event object and the event dispatching system in Flex are some of the most important things to understand. All events have a type that is used when those events are being listened for; if an event is of type click, for example, the event-listening method will be added to the click event of the child:

<mx:Button click="trace('I was clicked')"/>

Notifications about user interactions, messages sent to an application from a server, and timers are all sent via events. The event object defines several properties that you can access in any listening function:


Indicates whether an event is a bubbling event; that is, whether it will be redispatched from the object that has received it to any listeners further up the event chain.


Indicates whether the behavior associated with the event can be prevented.


Identifies the object that is actively processing the event object with an event listener.


Identifies the current phase in the event flow.


Specifies the event target, which is the object that has dispatched the event.


Indicates the type of event.

You can also write event handlers in the MXML itself by using the binding tags {} to indicate that the code inside of the braces should be executed when the event is fired. For example:

<s:Button click="{textComponent.text = 'You clicked the button'}" label="Click Me"/>
<s:Text id="textComponent"/>

When it compiles this code, the Flex compiler creates a function and then sets this:

textComponent.text = 'You clicked the button'

as the body of that function. It may look different from the previous method, but the end result of this function is the same: it listens for the event and executes its code. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this approach, but for anything more complex than setting a single property, you should use a defined function to make your code easier to read and understand.

1.6. Create Typed Vectors


You want to store arrays of typed objects to avoid the need for casting when retrieving elements from the arrays.


Create a Vector and pass the type of object that it will contain in the declaration and constructor.


ActionScript 3 introduced the Vector type with Flash Player 10. The Vector allows you to create a typed array of elements that only accepts variables of its declared type and returns variables of its declared type for any operation that returns a value. Because you don’t need to cast an object from a Vector to a type when you access it, you can speed up your applications substantially by using Vectors wherever you’re storing arrays of a single type of object. To create a Vector containing int variables, for example, you would do the following:

var vec:Vector.<int>;
vec = new Vector.<int>();
vec.push(1, 2, 3, 4);

Now any operations involving the vec instance will be compiled as though they were of the type passed to it when it was declared, as shown here:

var newVariable:int = vec[1] + vec[2]; // no need to cast
var anotherVariable:int = vec.pop();   // again no need to cast

You can also pass an Interface to the Vector, as shown here:

var interfaceVector:Vector.<IUIComponent>;

However, you cannot pass a Class variable to a Vector:

var clazz:Class = SomeCustomClass;
var classVector:Vector.<clazz>;        // won't compile

The type passed to a Vector must be known at compile time.

1.7. Use Event Bubbling


You want to listen for events passed up from child components to parent components without adding a long chain of event listeners.


Use the event-bubbling mechanism in the Flash Player to listen for events passed up from children.


Understanding bubbled events requires looking at several classes. Several types of events can be bubbled up: mouse-down events, click events, and keyboard events, among others. The term bubbling up refers to the event working its way up through the display list to the application container, like a bubble rising to the surface through water. When the user clicks on any component, that event is passed up through the hierarchy. This means that the parent of a component can listen on that component for a click event, and if one is dispatched, the parent will be notified. To listen for all events of a certain type within a child component, the parent simply needs to add an event listener to that child to receive all bubbled-up events.

Consider this class, defined in BubblingComponent.mxml:

<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="" width="400" height="200">
            private function sendClick():void {
                trace(" BubblingComponent:: click ");
    <mx:Button click="sendClick()"/>

This component contains a button that will dispatch a click event up the display list to any component that contains an instance of BubblingComponent. To listen to this event, use the click handler in a component that contains BubblingComponent:

<cookbook:BubblingComponent click="handleClick()" id="bubbler"/>

A BubblingHolder that contains a BubblingComponent could be defined as shown in the following code snippet:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""
           width="400" height="300" xmlns:cookbook="oreilly.cookbook.*"
            private function handleClick():void {
                trace(" BubblingComponentHolder:: click ");
    <cookbook:BubblingComponent click="handleClick()" id="bubbler"/>

This component will dispatch an event up to any component listening. When you add the BubblingHolder to the main application file:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
                layout="vertical" xmlns:cookbook="oreilly.cookbook.*">
            public function createName():void {
                name = "Flex Cookbook";
    <cookbook:BubblingComponentHolder click="createName()"/>

the click event from BubblingComponent.mxml will be broadcast all the way up to the application level.

The sequence of events in a MouseEvent sends information about the event, such as a click and its location, up the display list through all the children, to the child that should receive the event, and then back down the display list to the stage.

The stage detects the MouseEvent and passes it down the display list until it finds the target of the event—that is, the last component that the user’s mouse was interacting with. This is called the capturing phase. Next, the event handlers within the target of the event are triggered. This is called the targeting phase, when the event is given an actual target. Finally, the bubbling phase occurs, sending the event back up the display list to any interested listeners, all the way back to the stage.

1.8. Use Custom Events and Dispatch Data with Events


You want to dispatch data with an event by using a custom event class.


Create a class that extends the class and create a property for the data that you would like to be available from the event.


At times, you may need to dispatch data objects with events, enabling listeners to access that data without accessing the objects that dispatched the events. Renderers or deeply nested objects that are dispatching events up through multiple components to listeners will frequently want to send data without requiring the listening component to find the object and access a property. As a solution, create an event type and add any data types that you need to include with the event to the constructor of the event. Remember to call the super() method of the Event class so that the Event object is properly instantiated. For example:

package oreilly.cookbook {

    public class CustomPersonEvent extends Event {

        public var person:Person;
        public var timeChanged:String;

        public function CustomPersonEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false,
                                          timeValue:String="") {
            super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
            person = personValue;
            timeChanged = timeValue;

        override public function clone():Event {
            return new CustomPersonEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, personValue,

In this custom Event class, the inherited Event.clone() method is overridden so that the CustomPersonEvent can duplicate itself. If an event listener attempts to redispatch this custom event, as shown here:

private function customPersonHandler(event:CustomPersonEvent):void {

the event that is dispatched will not be the event that is received; instead, it will be a copy of the CustomPersonEvent created using the clone() method. This is done inside the class. If the clone() method is not overridden to ensure that all properties of the CustomPersonEvent are carried into a clone of itself, the event returned from the clone will be of type and will not have any properties of the CustomPersonEvent.

1.9. Listen for a Keyboard Event


You need to listen for the user pressing a key, determine which key was pressed, and handle the event accordingly.


Add an event listener for the keyDown event either on the component or on the stage of the application and read the KeyboardEvents keyCode property.


To listen for a KeyboardEvent, use the keyDown event handler, which all classes that extend UIComponent possess. The KeyboardEvent class defines a keyCode property that contains the code for the key that the user pressed. That keyCode property is the ASCII representation of the character (ASCII is a standard that defines a mapping of characters to integers). For example:

<mx:HBox xmlns:mx=""
         width="400" height="300" keyDown="keyHandler(event)"


            private function keyHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
                switch(event.keyCode) {
                    case 13:
                        trace(" Enter pressed ");
                    case 32:
                        trace(" Space Bar pressed ");
                    case 16:
                        trace(" Shift Key pressed ");
                    case 112:
                        trace(" F1 pressed ");
                    case 8:
                        trace(" Delete pressed ");

    <mx:Button label="One"/>

A note about this component: it will listen only for events that occur while the button has focus. If you remove the button from this component, there is nothing left that can have focus, and the keyHandler() function will never be called. To catch every KeyEvent that occurs in the application, whether or not the component has focus, add the following to the opening tag of the component:

     addedToStage="stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyHandler)"

This ensures that the keyHandler() method will handle each KeyEvent that the stage catches—i.e., all of them.

1.10. Define Optional Parameters for Methods


You want to define methods for a parameter that have default values or null values so that those values do not always need to be passed.


Specify default values or null values in the method declaration by setting the parameter equal to a default value or equal to null.


To define one or more optional parameters for a method, simply set the default value of an object to null in the signature of the event. The ActionScript primitives String, Number, int, and Boolean cannot be null values, however; you must supply default values for these. For example:

public function optionalArgumentFunction(value:Object, string:String,
        count:int = 0, otherValue:Object = null):void {
    if(count != 0) {
        // if the count is not the default value, handle the value the
        // call passes in
    if(otherValue != null) {
        // if the otherValue is not null, handle the value the call
        // passes in

Another strategy for providing not only optional parameters to the method but also an indeterminate number of arguments is to use the ... or rest operator in front of a variable name. For instance, to pass an undefined number of arguments to a method, you would define the method as shown here:

public function restMethod( {
    trace(" here is the number of arguments passed "+rest.length);

To use the rest operator with defined parameters, simply put the defined parameters first and the rest operator after, as shown here:

public function restMethod(number:int, name:string, {
    trace(" here is the number of arguments passed "+rest.length);

1.11. Define and Implement an Interface


You need to create an interface and then create a component that implements that interface.


Create an ActionScript file, declare that file as an Interface, and define any methods you would like the interface to require. To implement the interface, use the implements keyword in the class declaration of the component that will use the interface.


Interfaces are powerful tools that let you describe a contract that an object must fulfill. The interface must contain a specified set of methods with a certain scope, name, parameters, and return type; components using the object, in turn, will expect this set of methods to be present. This lets you create lightweight descriptions of a class without actually creating a new class that clutters your inheritance trees. Classes that implement an interface are considered to be of that interface type. This can be used to set the types for parameters of methods or to set the return types of methods, as shown here:

public function pay(payment:IPaymentType):IReceipt

This method can accept any object that implements IPaymentType and will return an object that implements the IReceipt interface.

The interface cannot define the method body, nor can it define any variable. In the following code snippet, IDataInterface is declared and defines five methods that any object that implements the interface must also possess and define:

package oreilly.cookbook {
    public interface IDataInterface {
        function set dataType(value:Object):void;
        function get dataType():Object;
        function update():Boolean;
        function write():Boolean;
        function readData():Object;

To implement the interface, declare the class and add the implements marker to the class declaration. All methods defined in an Interface must be implemented by the class. In the following code snippet, all the methods of the preceding interface are included and are given function bodies:

package oreilly.cookbook {

    public class ClientData extends EventDispatcher implements IDataInterface {

        private var _dataType:Object;

        public function ClientData(target:IEventDispatcher=null) {

        public function set dataType(value:Object):void {
            _dataType = value;

        public function get dataType():Object {
            return _dataType;

        public function update():Boolean {
            // do the actual updating
            var updateSuccessful:Boolean;
            if(updateSuccessful) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        public function write():Boolean {
            var writeSuccess:Boolean;
            if(writeSuccess) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        public function readData():Object {
            var data:Object;
            // get all the data we need
            return data;

To implement an interface in MXML, use implements in the top-level tag for the component. For example:

<mx:HBox xmlns:mx=""
         width="400" height="300" implements= "IDataInterface">

1.12. Access the Parent of a Flex Component


You want to access either the immediate parent of a component or the parent application of a component.


Use the parentDocument property of the UIComponent to access the parent of a component, the parentApplication property to access the first Application that a component is contained within, and FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication to access the top-level application in the hierarchy of a Flex application.


A Flex component can be nested within many different parent components, and also within multiple applications. In previous versions of Flex, developers would often access the parent application by using Application.application to return a reference to the main application. In Flex 4, you should use either the parentApplication property that all UIComponents define to access the application that a particular component is loaded into, or the FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication to access the top-most application.

Figure 1-10 shows how a Button could access the various parent components within which it is nested.

Accessing parent documents and applications from a component
Figure 1-10. Accessing parent documents and applications from a component

Note that the parentDocument and the parent of a UIComponent are different. For instance, a Button within a list may have a SkinnableContainer as its parent, but a List as its parentDocument. It’s generally better practice to dispatch a custom event to the parent than to attempt to access it using a reference. This ensures that components you’re building will be portable to multiple parent types and reduces dependencies throughout your application.

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