

acquisitions by Facebook, future possibilities of, 179–181

Ads. See Facebook Ads

Advance Guard, 47, 74


Advertising Performance reports, 89

Facebook Ads

analyzing performance, 88–89

common reasons for ads to be rejected, 80–82

creating ad campaigns, 86–87

designing ads, 82–83

explained, 79–80

filters, 84–86

identifying target audience, 84–86

reviewing and submitting ads, 87–88


designing, 132

explained, 125

Advertising Performance report, 89

AdWords, promoting Facebook Pages in, 58–59

AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) buddies, importing, 19–22, 19

analyzing performance of ad campaigns, 88–89

AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) buddies, importing, 19–22

application configuration form, 102–103

Application Directory, ...

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