


Use PROB to determine the probability of a series of numbers being within the specified limits. If the upper limit is not specified, the function returns the probability of the values in the range being equal to the lower limit.

To Calculate

=PROB(X_Range, Prob_Range, Lower_Limit, Upper_Limit)

The Upper_Limit argument is the only optional for this function.


Indicates a series of numeric values that are associated with the probabilities specified by the Prob_Range argument.


Indicates a series of decimal numbers between 0 and 1 that indicate the probabilities associated with each value specified for the X_Range argument. These decimal numbers must add up to 1.


Indicates a numeric value that specifies the lower limit for the range of values.


Indicates a numeric value that specifies the upper limit for the range of values. If this argument is omitted, the function returns the probability that the values are equal to the value specified for the Lower_Limit argument.


The X_Range and Prob_Range arguments must contain the same number of values.


Figure 15-38 illustrates how to use PROB to determine if values in the range are within the specified limits.

Use PROB to determine the probability that values are within specific limits

Figure 15-38. Use PROB to determine the probability that values are within specific limits

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