


Use FDIST to find the probabilities associated with the F probability distribution.

To Calculate

=FDIST(X, Degrees_Freedom1, Degrees_Freedom2)

All arguments are required for this function.


Specifies a positive numeric value that should be used to evaluate the function.


Specifies a numeric value between 1 and 1,000,000,000 that indicates the degrees of freedom for the first data set. This argument is used as the numerator value.


Specifies a numeric value between 1 and 1,000,000,000 that indicates the degrees of freedom for the second data set. This argument is used as the denominator value.


Figure 15-13 illustrates how FDIST is used to determine the probability value. You will notice that the value returned by FINV is fairly close to the initial X value of FDIST.

FINV returns a value that matches the initial X value specified for FDIST

Figure 15-13. FINV returns a value that matches the initial X value specified for FDIST

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