A Complete Program—Our First Flashlight

Example 4-1 is version 1.0 of our computer-controlled flashlight.

Example 4-1. A complete .NET Micro Framework flashlight

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

namespace MicroFrameworkFlashlight
   public class MicroFrameworkFlashlight

      public static void Main()
         Cpu.Pin lampPin = Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin1;
         Cpu.Pin switchPin = Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin2;
         OutputPort lampOutput = new OutputPort(lampPin, false);
         InputPort switchInput = new InputPort(switchPin, false,
         while (true)

This program implements a very simple push-button flashlight. When the input is set to high, the program switches the lamp on. When the Main method ...

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