© Chris Griffith, Leif Wells 2017

Chris Griffith and Leif Wells, Electron: From Beginner to Pro, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2826-5_5

5. Adding Custom Menus

Chris Griffith and Leif Wells2

(1)San Diego, California, USA

(2)Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Menus are also something that traditional web app have never had access to. The application menus were always that of the browsers. If the user accessed a contextual menu on the page, the default browser contextual menu would appear. Web apps had no ability to change either one. However, Electron gives you full control over creating both application-level menus, as well as contextual menus.

We will explore creating both the application-level menus and the contextual menus. Electron uses the Menu and ...

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