λ/20 rule, 287
3W rule, 286
4-vectors, 123–124
5/5 rule, 269–270
Aether, 27, 86
Alternating current
power radiated from, 102–103
slow, 102–103
Ampere’s law, 84
Analog signals, 12
Angular resolution, 315–316
Antenna arrays, 316–319
Antenna pattern, 236
Antennas. See also Dipole antennas; Loop antennas; Monopole antennas
AM radio, 249
axis of symmetry of, 237
car radio, 244
directed, 246, 247
effective cross-section, 245–246
FM radio, 240–241
input impedance, 232–236
loop stick, 249
passive elements, 246, 247
polarization, 239–240
radiation patterns versus length, 236–239
reflecting dishes, 307–311
resistive losses in, 244–245
slot, 187
“smart,” 318–319
traveling wave, 246–247
wire radius effects, 235, 244–245
Antiparticles, 131
Antiresonance, ...

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