Dialog Widgets

Dijit offers two related widgets that provide dialog functionality: Dialog, which is similar to the kind of interaction you normally have with something like an ordinary alert box (only a whole lot more aesthetically pleasing and flexible), and TooltipDialog, which is much like an ordinary tooltip except that it can render other widgets and provide for more interaction that an ordinary Tooltip.


The Dialog dijit is conceptually like a pop up that sets up a translucent underlay below it. While it is visible, you cannot respond to anything below it, making it ideal for situations in which you need to temporarily prevent access to controls on a page or force the user to acknowledge or respond to an alert.

But in addition to the obvious uses, you might also use a Dialog for almost any situation in which the alternative would be to pop up a new window. From an implementation standpoint, using a Dialog is often easier than interacting with a separate window because everything that is contained in the Dialog is part of the current page's DOM.[25] You can query it and otherwise manipulate it like anything else on the page—even if it's currently not visible.

A Dialog may contain any DOM content you'd like to place in it, whether it is a simple HTML snippet, a complex layout dijit, or a custom widget of your own. Example 15-2 illustrates the most basic usage of a Dialog ; in this case, it is automatically displayed on page load.


As noted in the previous chapter, you may need to manually call a layout dijit's resize method to force it to redraw itself if you initially create it to be hidden—which it would be if you created it and then embedded it inside of a Dialog.

Example 15-2. Typical Dialog usage

        <title>Fun With Dialog!</title>

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
          href="http://o.aolcdn.com/dojo/1.1/dojo/resources/dojo.css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
          href="http://o.aolcdn.com/dojo/1.1/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css" />


        <script type="text/javascript">
            dojo.addOnLoad(function(  ) {
                dijit.byId("dialog").show(  );
    <body class="tundra">
        <div id="dialog" dojoType="dijit.Dialog">
            So foul and fair a day I have not seen...

Programmatically creating a Dialog is easily accomplished with Dialog 's setContent method, which can accept a DOM node. Consider this example, which forces the user to click on a Button that is placed into a Dialog —even though you've expressly told them not to do it:

dojo.addOnLoad(function(  ) {
    var d = new dijit.Dialog(  );

    //hide the ordinary close button from the user...
    dojo.style(d.closeButtonNode, "visibility", "hidden");

    var b = new dijit.form.Button({label: "Do not press this button"});
    var handle = dojo.connect(b, "onClick", function(  ) {
        d.hide(  );
    d.show(  );


Dialog 's template contains a number of useful attach points, including the closeButtonNode attach point, which was used in the previous code example to hide the icon that normally closes a Dialog.

Like the other dijits, you'll often get by with just a few common methods and attributes, but Table 15-2 presents the rest of the story for when you need it.


Dialog inherits from ContentPane, so all of ContentPane 's attributes, methods, and extension points are also available if you need them. See Example 14-3 for that API.

Table 15-2. Dialog API that builds upon ContentPane's API






The state of the Dialog. true if it is open, false (the default) otherwise.



The duration in milliseconds it takes to fade in and fade out the Dialog. 400 by default.

hide( )


Hides the Dialog.

layout( )


Positions the Dialog and its underlay.



Display the Dialog.


TooltipDialog inherits from Dialog, but provides functionality that may sort of remind you of a menu out of a DropDownButton —except that you can interact with it. In fact, the current manifestation TooltipDialog must be housed in a DropDownButton or a ComboButton, although you could theoretically adjust the button's style to make it appear quite different. You may recall the concept of a TooltipDialog from interacting with a spreadsheet application.


To get TooltipDialog, you must do a dojo.require("dijit.Dialog") because TooltipDialog is embedded into Dialog 's resource file.

Aside from the inability to programmatically create and display a TooltipDialog as a standalone, the rest of its functional API of a TooltipDialog is quite similar to Dialog with the caveat that it does not support a show( ) method. Additionally, it offers a standard title attribute that you can fill in if you'd like to stay accessibility compliant.

A good use case for a TooltipDialog might be to provide an interactive means of tagging an image. For example, you might use a DropDownButton to provide an image via its iconClass attribute and then interactively supply the TooltipDialog when the user clicks on the image. The following snippet provides the basic outline for how you might get started with a custom image tagger, producing the results shown in Figure 15-2.

A custom image tagger built with DropDownButton and TooltipDialog

Figure 15-2. A custom image tagger built with DropDownButton and TooltipDialog

<!-- somewhere out there...
<style type="text/css">
.customImage {
                background-image : url('/static/path/to/apple.jpeg');
                backgrond-repeat : no-repeat;
                width : 120px;
                height : 120px;

<button dojoType="dijit.form.DropDownButton" iconClass="customImage"
    <span>This label is hidden...</span>

    <div dojoType="dijit.TooltipDialog">
        <span>Tag this image...<span>
        <div dojoType="dijit.form.TextBox"></div>

[25] In fact, some browsers will not even allow you to manipulate one window's DOM from another window—even if both windows are from the same origin.

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