
A ContentPane is the most basic layout tile and it inherits directly from _Widget; conceptually, it is like a super-duper variation of an iframe except that it fits right into the page with all sorts of bells and whistles, not the least of which are the ability to render arbitrary snippets of HTML (not just full documents), reload content via XHR on demand, render widgets, and respect the page's theme. More often than not, a ContentPane is contained within another widget such as a TabContainer, although a ContentPane has several interesting uses cases on its own.

In its most generic usage, a layout pane does nothing special at all, as shown in Example 14-1.

Example 14-1. Creating a ContentPane in markup

    <head><title>Fun with ContentPane!</title>

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
          href="" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
          href="" />


        <script type="text/javascript">

    <body class="tundra">
        <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane">
            Nothing special going on here.


When browsing the source code or reading about Dojo online, you may notice that there is also a LinkPane dijit. Over the course of time, ContentPane evolved to absorb much of what LinkPane used to do, and it is likely that LinkPane will become deprecated because it offers a trivial amount of built-in functionality beyond that of ContentPane.

However, you can trivially fetch arbitrary content from a server and render it into the page by merely providing a reference to the server side URL. Suppose that a server-side URL called foo returns a snippet of text; you could use the ContentPane to display it like so:

<div id="foo" preload="false"  dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" href="foo">

In this particular case, the foo URL might have returned just a simple string value, although it could have returned a widget that would have been automatically parsed and rendered into the page. Just note that the widget must already have been dojo.require'd into the page. For example, let's suppose the foo URL returned <div dojoType="dijit.form.Textarea"></div>, then by default, the dijit would be parsed and rendered into the page.

Table 14-3 presents a summary of everything that a ContentPane supports.

Table 14-3. ContentPane API






Used to designate the external data the pane should load.



If true, the visible content between the BODY tags of the document the ContentPane retrieves is extracted from it and placed into the pane. false by default.



If true, any dijits returned in the data are automatically parsed and rendered. true by default.



Acts just like the preventCache parameter for a dojo.xhrGet. If true, an additional parameter is passed that changes with each request to prevent caching from occurring. false by default.



Used to force the pane to load content, even if it is not initially visible. (If the node is styled with display:none then content may not load unless preload is set to true.) false by default.



Used to indicate whether the pane should reload every time the pane goes from a hidden state to a visible state. false by default.



Defined in dijit.nls.loading. Provides a default message to the user while a load is in process. "Loading..." by default.



Defined in dijit.nls.loading. Provides a default message to the user when a load fails. "Sorry, an error occurred" by default.



Used to provide an explicit status for whether content is loaded. Useful for inquiries involving content that is often refreshed.

refresh( )


Used to force the content to refresh by downloading it again.

setHref(/*String*/ href)


Used to change the location of the external content for the dijit. If preload is false, the content is not downloaded until the widget becomes visible again.

setContent(/*String | DOMNode | NodeList */data)


Used to explicitly set local content for the pane.

cancel( )


Cancels the in-progress download of content.



Extension point that is called after the load (and optional parsing of widgets) takes place.



Extension point that is called before existing content is cleared by a refresh, setHref, or setContent.



Extension point that is called just before the download begins. By default, returns the string that is displayed as the loading message.

onContentError(/*Error*/ e)


Extension point that is called when DOM errors occur. The string that is returned is what is displayed to the user.

onDownloadError(/*Error*/ e)


Extension point that is called if an error occurs during the download. By default, returns the string that is displayed as the error message.

onDownloadEnd( )


Extension point that is called when the download completes.

Given an existing node called foo, you could programmatically create a ContentPane like so:

var contentPane = new dijit.layout.ContentPane({ /* properties*/, "foo");
contentPane.startup(  ); //good practice to get in the habit of always calling startup

Because ContentPane is not a descendant of _Container, there are no built-in methods for adding children to a ContentPane. However, you can use a ContentPane's domNode reference to append another node inside of it using plain old JavaScript, which works just fine. For example, using the existing content pane from the previous example:



You may be wondering why ContentPane does not directly support the interface provided by _Container. The unofficial answer is that a ContentPane, in general, does not need to perform a specific action when a child is placed into it for a specific reason. The reasons for adding children to a ContentPane are wide and varied. If you really wanted to, however, you could mixin or extend _Container into ContentPane.

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