5.10.1 Directing the Homepage with URL Configurations

The first and perhaps most obvious way would be to create a new URL pattern to send the route to the view we have already built. In /suorganizer/urls.py, we could add the URL pattern shown in Example 5.73 to the URL configuration.

Example 5.73: Project Code

suorganizer/urls.py in 3ddb5f3810

20  from blog.views import PostList  .      ... 23  urlpatterns = [ 24      url(r'^$', 25          PostList.as_view()),  .      ... 29  ]

The regular expression pattern: ^ starts the pattern, while $ ends the pattern. This matches '', which is what the root of the URL is to Django, given that it always strips the first /.

Similarly, given that the PostList view is the root ...

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