

abuse in childhood, antisocial behavior and, 87-90

Adams, John, 119

adenine, 66

adolescence, brain development during, 93-95


advantages/disadvantages of, 73-74

Barack Obama example, 27

Bill Clinton example, 24

defined, 17

dependent personality pattern and, 48

facets, 22

low Agreeableness patterns, 38-44

Allport, Gordon, 9-13, 105, 121, 173

personality trait research, 9-13

separating character and personality, 105-106

American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), 30

amygdala, 71, 80, 86, 94

animal breeding, natural selection and, 58, 61

antisocial behavior, childhood abuse and, 87-90

antisocial personality pattern

as character flaw, 107

defined, 30

examples of, 38-41, 44

opinion of self and ...

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