
80/20 rule, 44

1040 tax form, 44–45


abbreviated references, 148–149

Access property, 121, 235


and book’s exercises, xvii

Create a New Form screen, 12

and digital signatures, 98

file formats, 100

five C’s of, 3

fonts included with, 120

as form creation tool, xv, xvi

vs. LiveCycle Designer, 2, 3

opening XFA-based forms in, 5

Professional. See Acrobat Professional

trial version, 10

usage rights, 22, 23–24

working with data in, 180–181

Acrobat Professional

collecting data with, 25–26

and digital signatures, 98

Distribute Form feature, 24–25

extending document rights with, 24–25

launching LiveCycle Designer from, 10–11

and LiveCycle Designer installation, 9–10

and PDF file types, 7

working with data in, 180–181

Acroform technology, ...

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