
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Architectural plan 9, 10f
abstract representation 9–10
places 9
routes 9


Business context 
business opportunities 72–73
generating and increasing revenue 72
new technology 72
nonrevenue motivations 72
user and usage aspects 71
user needs 72


Complex conceptual models 
characteristics 63–64, 64f
flexibility and control 63–64
tasks and workflows 63–64
unstructured task support 64, 65
Conceptual design methodology 11, 12f, 137–138
layered framework 77, 78f
project management considerations 78
Conceptual model elements 41
architecture plan 9
configuration layer 
appointment setup applications 21, 22f
calendar applications 21, 23t
connections between 20–22, 21

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