
Symbols & Numerics

10gen, 45

123 Signup, 111–112

30Boxes, 95

3tera, 45

@task, 139


accessing remotely

documents, 80

presentations, 79–80

AceProject, 74, 140

Acteva, 112

Acuity Scheduling, 100

address books, 122

Adobe Acrobat Connect, 259

Adobe Buzzword, 154–155

Adobe Photoshop Express, 222–223

adopting web-based applications, barriers, 35–36

advance registration, 109


of cloud computing

device independence, 28

document compatibility, 26

ease of collaboration, 27

improved performance, 24

increased computing power, 26

increased data safety, 26

instant software updates, 25

latest version availability, 27

low maintenance, 25

low-cost computers, 24

lower IT infrastructure costs, 24

lower software costs, 25

operating system compatibility, ...

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