

010 hex editor, xviii

37signals, OAuth support, 77


Abe (Android Backup Extractor), xviii

Access control

authentication best practices, 5455

function-level, 147

gaining superuser access, 102103

Access control lists (ACLs), HIMMS guidelines, 189

Accessory devices

Ford Sync API, 187188

wearables, 186187

Accountability, OWASP Cloud top 10 risks, 148

ACLs (access control lists), HIMMS guidelines, 189

adb command

backing up Android database, 111114

backing up Android devices, 169

decompiling APK, 4

description of, xviii

AdMob hack, Pandora and, 152154

AES symmetric key algorithm, 9293

Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilers, 7

Air Watch MDM solution, from VMware, 177178

allowBackup attribute, disabling backup functionality, 115116

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