A Realtime Live Blog

Now that everything is in its place, it’s time to actually write some code. At this point the only programming skills required are HTML and JavaScript. We’re going to build this base of this liveblog application without any server-side code at all.

To get started, use your favorite text editor and create a file in apps/src/main/webapp/river.html. Add the following code to your file:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> 
	<script type="text/javascript">
	  google.load("dojo", "1.3.2");
    <script type="text/javascript" src="river.js"></script> 
	<h3>Live Feed</h3>
	<div id="stream">

As you can see, we’re borrowing some bandwidth from Google by using their Ajax libraries API (http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/) to host all of the Dojo JavaScript that we’re going to use. After including their main API script (http://www.google.com/jsapi), we load the latest version of the base Dojo framework.

The rest of the file is pretty straightforward. Aside from the last JavaScript include, which we will be creating in just a bit, this is just all standard HTML. The most important bit is the DIV tag with the stream id. This is the place on the page where we’re going to be posting our live updates.

Now that we have a page that will display the feed, we need to be able to post content to it. Create a file called apps/src/main/webapp/river-post.html and add the following code:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script> 
	<script type="text/javascript">
	  google.load("dojo", "1.3.2");
    <script type="text/javascript" src="river.js"></script> 
		<label for="author">Author</label> <br />
		<input type="text" id="author" value="" placeholder="Your Name" />
		<textarea rows="10" cols="50" id="content"></textarea>
		<input type="button" id="river-post-submit" value="Post" />

This file has all of the same JavaScript as the river.html file, but it also has some HTML form elements. Although this is where we’ll post the content to the realtime feed, we’re not actually POSTing or submitting the form. We’ll be sending all the data through JavaScript using cometd.

While the Cometd software and the Bayeux protocol handle all of the complicated parts of this process, a small bit of JavaScript is needed to get everything running. Open apps/src/main/webapp/river.js and we’ll add the needed code piece by piece.

function submitPost(e) {
	dojox.cometd.publish('/river/flow', {
		'content': dojo.byId('content').value,
		'author': (dojo.byId('author').value ?
				   dojo.ById('author').value :
	} );
	dojo.byId('content').value ='';

The first function to add to the file is submitPost. This is what is used to send the content to the server, much like submitting a standard web form. However, rather than POSTing the data, we grab the values of the form fields created in river-post.html and publish them via dojox.cometd.publish.

The function dojox.cometd.publish is what is used to publish (send) data to a named channel. The channel is the first parameter and is always a string, in this case /river/flow. The second parameter is for the JSON data that gets sent to the server.

function setupRiver() {
	var catcher = {
		handler: function(msg) {
			if (msg.data.content) {
				var p = dojo.create("p", {style: 'opacity: 0' } );
				dojo.create('strong', { innerHTML: msg.data.author }, p);
				dojo.create('p', { innerHTML: msg.data.content }, p);
				dojo.place(p, "stream", 'first');
				dojo.fadeIn({ node: p, duration: 300 }).play();

		dojo.connect(dojo.byId('river-post-submit'), "onclick", "submitPost");
		dojox.cometd.subscribe("/river/flow", catcher, "handler");

This simple little function is the most complicated part of the JavaScript that we need to create for this application. This one function handles the main setup for both the liveblog viewer and the content creation process.

The first thing that happens is the call to dojox.cometd.init, which initializes the connection to the cometd server. This handles the handshake required by the Bayeux protocol along with details such as determining the best transport method for your browser, reconnecting if something goes wrong, and everything else that we’d rather not worry about. The lone parameter is the path to the cometd server itself. This is the same path we set up when we put the servlet-mapping tag into web.xml.

Next, we create a small object called catcher, which is what receives any messages sent from the server. These messages are passed to the handler function as JSON objects. The full Bayeux message response is sent from the server, but the only part we’re concerned with is the data. This data object is the very same JSON object published previously in the submitPost function. You’ll remember there were two members in that object: author and content.

In this function, we use the base dojo framework to create some DOM elements to display the posted content. After creating a couple of P elements and a STRONG tag to show the author name, we use dojo animation to make the HTML fade in. It’s just an extensible way of printing the HTML content to the page.

Since this file gets included by both river.html and river-post.html, this function may execute two different actions depending on which page is loaded. When a user is looking at the river-post.html file, we’ll be able to access the “Post” form button via JavaScript. We simply connect that button’s onclick event to the submitPost function we created earlier. When we don’t have that form element, we assume that we’re going to view the liveblog feed and subscribe to the /river/flow channel.

Finally, we need to add the code that gets this whole process up and running. Add the following code to the bottom of your river.js file:

	function() {
		dojo.addOnUnload(dojox.cometd, "disconnect");

Because we’re loading the dojo files from remote servers, we need to wait to run our setup functions until all of the code has been loaded. Luckily, the Google Ajax libraries API provides the callback function google.setOnLoadCallback to let us know when that has happened. In that callback function, we tell Dojo which features we’re going to need, which in this case is only the cometd extension. Then, we instruct dojo to call our setupRiver function when it is ready to continue. The very last step is to instruct the cometd library to disconnect when we unload (or navigate away from) this page.

At this point we have all the code in place for a fully functional liveblog, so I try it out. Running the app is simple. From a terminal window, navigate to the apps directory and enter the following command:

~ cometd-java/apps $ mvn jetty:run

Now the server should be up and running. To fully test this out, you’ll want to open one browser, say Safari or Internet Explorer, and point it to Then, open another browser, say Firefox, and point it to Figure 4-4 shows a liveblog session in action (see Figure 4-4).

Realtime updates from one browser to another

Figure 4-4. Realtime updates from one browser to another

Once you’ve loaded up the browsers, you should see the two web pages we created. As you start posting content, you should notice how quickly the content shows up in the other browser window. Keep in mind that this involves a trip through the server, and it’s not just drawing content from one window to the other dynamically; all of the content is posted to the Web and loaded back in the browser in realtime. If you opened up another browser, say Opera or Chrome, and pointed it at, you’d see the content refresh in two browsers just as quickly as the one.

So what is happening here?

In our JavaScript file, when we called dojox.cometd.init, we made a connect request to the cometd server. This request handles all of the dirty work of Bayeux’s fairly complicated handshake process. At this point the server instructs the client (our JavaScript file) on how to interact with the server. This is where the server declares the timeout, interval, and all the other variables we set up in our server configuration. As programmers, we can safely ignore all of those things now because the dojox.cometd framework takes care of everything.

The next thing we did was call dojox.cometd.subscribe and subscribe to the /river/flow channel. This function starts making requests to the server using long polling at the intervals described earlier. If the server ever tells us to back off, the framework will handle that appropriately. Once again, we can focus on building our application and not the housekeeping required by the protocol.

The handshake and subscribe processes are detailed in Figure 4-5.

Handshake and subscribe with Bayeux

Figure 4-5. Handshake and subscribe with Bayeux

At this point, our browser-based client is maintaining a long-polling-based connection to the server. When data is available, it will be sent through the existing connections.

In the demo, we use a second browser to send messages to the server, which then routes the messages to the subscribed clients. To send a message to the server, pass the data encoded as a JSON object to the dojox.cometd.publish. This function just requires the JSON object and the channel name of where the data should be delivered. Then, we clear out the content field to allow the blogger to quickly post more content.

When that message makes it to the server, the server then routes it back to all of the subscribed clients. In this case, it’s sent back to the handler function of the catcher object, which we specified when we subscribed to the channel. This simple function just draws the HTML to the screen and returns.

The whole publish to message routing process is illustrated in Figure 4-6.

Publishing message to clients

Figure 4-6. Publishing message to clients

The Two-Connection Limit

There is big a reason you need to open these files up in separate browsers and not just different tabs in the same browser when testing. Most modern browsers limit the amount of concurrent connections to just two connections per server. This means that if you have two connections open to the server and try to open another connection in the same browser, even if it’s in a new tab, the browser will wait until one of the original connections disconnects. When we’re doing long polling, that means we’ll be waiting a long time between connections.

Cometd actually helps with this issue by using the advice part of the protocol to instruct the client to fall back to regular polling at standard intervals. Although this helps keep connections alive, it means we’re not getting truly realtime content because of the length of time between requests. In practice for normal users, this isn’t as much of an issue, but when building sites, it poses a bit of a problem. The solution is simple: use totally different browsers.

You can easily check to see if the cometd libraries have fallen back to standard polling at long intervals by examining the transfers with the Firefox extension Firebug (http://getfirebug.com). Firebug has many features that make debugging web applications much easier, such as the ability to examine the network activity, including connections that are still active. When you load up and enable Firebug, the Console tab will show you the different POST requests currently active (see Figure 4-7). If one of them is constantly active, long polling is working. If the connection returns immediately, it’s fallen back. To fix this, navigate away from the page for a minute; it should go right back to long polling when you return.

Firebug during a long polling session

Figure 4-7. Firebug during a long polling session

While the browser is looking at a page in a long polling section, you may notice the status bar say something to the effect of “completed 5 of 6 items,” as if the browser is still loading an asset. It is! It’s waiting on your long polling operation to finish, and it will keep waiting until it does. Although the status bar may claim the page load is incomplete, for all intents and purposes, everything is ready to go.

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