BSAR Experimental Results

In this chapter, bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BSAR) experimental results are discussed. Different waveforms are used to model BSAR signals and implement image reconstruction algorithms. The emphasis is on short-pulse waveform, linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals, Barker phase code modulated (PCM) signals, global positioning system coarse acquisition (GPS C/A) PCM signals and GPS P PCM signals. The topologies of bistatic forward inverse synthetic aperture radar (BFISAR) systems and bistatic generalized inverse synthetic aperture radar (BGISAR) systems are applied for modeling purposes. While modeling the BSAR signal reflected by the target, the direct signal, transmitter–receiver is not taken into consideration, and the synchronization problem is not included in experiments. The influence of the noise and the clutter are not considered while modeling either. The experiments are performed in the Matlab programming environment.

6.1. Example 1: BFISAR with short-pulse waveform

Consider the BFISAR topology of a transmitter, target and receiver depicted in a Cartesian coordinate system Oxyz (Figure 2.3) (Chapter 7, section 7.3). Assume that the target, a boat of length 8 m, is moving at the velocity Vx = – 7 m/s, i.e. the velocity is oriented on Ox axis and the velocity angle is α = π. The boat crosses the baseline between a transmitter with coordinates xs = 0 m, ys = 0 m, zs = 5 m and a receiver with coordinates xr = 0 m, yr = 100 m, zr = 5 m. ...

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