

actions on Spark RDDs, 33

Akka system, 123

alignment problems, 6

all grouping (Storm), 100

AM (Application Master), 163-165


defined, 1-2

future of, 166-169

history of term, 1-2

Apache Hama, 136

application layer in BDAS, 29-31

Application Master (AM), 163-165

Apply phase (GraphLab vertex program), 151


of BDAS, 26-31

of Hadoop YARN, 165

of Mesos, 48

of MLbase, 90-91


basic statistics computations, 4

batch learning, online learning versus, 66

BDAS (Berkeley Data Analytics Stack), 13, 21

design and architecture, 26-31


architecture, 48

cluster resource sharing, 46-47

fault tolerance, 52

isolation, 50-52

resource allocation, 49-50

motivation for developing, 21-23

Shark, 42-46

columnar memory store, 44-45

distributed ...

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