Making Decisions (IF)

Syntax: IF(Test; True; False)

The most important of all conditional functions used in Calc is IF. It takes three arguments:

  • Test: the condition you want to test for.
  • True: what IF returns when test returns TRUE.
  • False: what IF returns when test returns FALSE.

In the case of the tax rates mentioned on the previous page, you need to build a nested formula that uses more than one IF function. Let’s do it one step at a time.

The first condition is for the $5,000 exemption. Put the taxable income into cell A2 and the tax-free allowance into cell B2. The formula will look like the following one and in Figure 13-1. You can put it anywhere, but for the purpose of this exercise it will be cell A5:

=IF(A2 > B2; "Add ...

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