
The general purpose of the Windmill project is to provide an open source tool that allows you to create test cases as a series of actions, organized into collections called suites. These suites can then be executed in your browser of choice, either manually on your desktop or in an automated way using one of the readily available continuous integration tools.

Windmill is built in Python, and relies on a collection of open source Python libraries. This installation process is streamlined using PyPi or PIP, and you can choose to install the release version or the development trunk. It’s important to understand that the other piece of Windmill is the JavaScript controller, which runs completely in the browser so that it can simulate your user session (Figure 21-1). This is why each Windmill test run requires that you specify the browser in which you would like to run your test.

Overview of the Windmill architecture

Figure 21-1. Overview of the Windmill architecture

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