


Server.Execute(Path, Writer)

Executes a request on the URL passed by the Path argument and optionally captures the output of the requested page by using an instance of the TextWriter class supplied by the Writer argument.



A String variable or literal specifying the URL to execute. The URL passed to the Execute method may be absolute (containing all the information needed to locate the resource, including the protocol type and server name) or relative (containing only the relative path of the resource).


An instance of any class derived from the TextWriter class (found in the System.IO namespace); used to capture the output of the execution of the requested URL.


The code example declares a string variable, creates a new TextWriter, and then calls Server.Execute to execute a page based on the CreateObject example code and capture its results. Figure 18-2 shows the output of the example.

Sub Page_Load(  )
   Dim Url As String = "CreateObject.aspx"
   Dim sw As New System.IO.StringWriter(  )
   Server.Execute(Url, sw)
   Message.Text = "Request output:<br/><br/>" & sw.ToString(  )
End Sub
Output of CreateObject and CreateObjectFromClsid examples

Figure 18-2. Output of CreateObject and CreateObjectFromClsid examples


The Execute method is a useful feature that first appeared in the IIS 5.0 version of Active Server Pages. ASP.NET includes an overloaded version of the method, adding the ...

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